The Law of Vibration: How to Manifest anything into Your Life.
The law of vibration is an ancient spiritual teaching that teaches how to manifest anything into your life.
The law of attraction may be more well known for this, but the law of vibration has been around for much longer and goes into a lot more detail about what you need to do in order to live a happy, fulfilling life.
It will teach you how to use your thoughts and feelings as tools so that you can create everything you want out of life!
Everything in our universe is energy and energy is everything!
I love this famous quote by Nikola Tesla:
" If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live the life of your dreams? To have complete and total control over every aspect of your world?
Well, now you can.
This blog post is going to teach you how this is possible!
What is the law of vibration?
The law of vibration is the second universal law, which dictates that everything (atoms, objects, living things) is energy, vibrating at a certain frequency.
The Law of Vibration explains how everything that exists vibrates at a specific frequency, including thoughts and emotions.
Firstly, we need to understand that everything is energy and quantum physics states that everything in our entire universe is just energy.
The human body, animals, trees, buildings, everything is literally energy - if you were to put your body under a microscope, you will see that your body is made of cells, your cells are made from tissues, molecules and atoms
All the atoms and molecules inside your body are energy that's vibrating at a certain frequency.
Once you are able to grasp that you are vibration, you quickly realise that every action you take, every thought that you think is energy that is emitting at a certain vibrational frequency.
If you want or wish for anything in life, you must realise that 'want' and 'wishing' are both lower forms of energy on the vibrational scale. You are emitting to the Universe that you do not currently have whatever it is that you are looking to desire.
How to use the law of vibration to attract your desires:
Once you realise what the law of vibration is and how it works, you will be able to use this knowledge in order to achieve anything that your heart desires.
To start with, we need to understand where all our thoughts begin - don't think for a second that these are just random thoughts or meaningless words!
All our thoughts have a vibrational frequency and the more we think about them, the higher they go on this scale of energy.
In other words, thoughts that you have over and over again will be stronger than new or infrequent ones.
Your feelings are also important to take into consideration because every feeling has a certain vibration - like emotion is said to have a certain vibration or frequency, so does anger.
You will want to be careful with how you think and feel because your thoughts, emotions and feelings are energy.
When it comes to the law of vibration we're talking about two different levels; there's the physical level which is what everything in our world is made up from (atoms) as well as the mental level - this part of the law of vibration is all about your thoughts, emotions and feelings.
The mental level has a lot to do with manifesting what you want in life because it's where our desires come from - think about this for a second:
You can't have anything if you don't know that you want it! (That's why sometimes we have to work on ourselves first before we can have what we want in life.)
Once you have got clear on what it is that you are looking to attract, you must match the vibrational frequency of that specific desire and feel like you are already in possession of it.
For example, let's say you are looking to attract more money into your life, you need to start showing up like someone who already has the money. The most powerful way of going this is positive affirmations and meditation.
Remember, your thoughts have vibrational energy; saying words such as " I have no money" actually emits a lower form of frequency that keeps you in the reality of lack.
Gratitude is a powerful form of vibration. When you remain grateful and maintain that feeling, you raise your level of vibration in general; this, in turn, attracts more good things to be lucky enough to experience.
How to raise your vibration in 13 steps:
There are a few things that you can do in order to raise your vibration; these include:
1) Meditation
Meditation is a powerful way of raising your vibration and also lowering the intensity of negative emotions you are feeling.
My advice is to try to meditate for at least 20 minutes every day.
2) Exercise
Exercising is an easy way of raising your vibration because it releases endorphins, the hormones that give us a sense of well-being.
Try doing yoga or any other form of exercise you enjoy as often as possible - even if it's just 15 minutes a day.
3) Gratitude
Being grateful is another way of raising your vibration because feeling gratitude makes you feel happier and purer, which in turn attracts good things into our lives (it's like karma).
There are many ways to be grateful for the goodness that already exists in our lives; it could be as simple as thanking the bus driver for driving you to work or it could be more complex, such as thanking the universe for all that is happening in your life.
Gratitude will make you feel better and different vibrations attract different things.
4) Smiling
A smile can instantly change a person's mood because it sends out high-frequency positive waves of energy which in turn, attracts good things.
Smiling is a simple way of raising your vibration because it has such a powerful effect on our moods and feelings - as well as those around us!
Doing nice things for others (random acts of kindness)
This one might seem more difficult but I think you'll find that doing something kind for others will give you a sense of satisfaction and happiness.
The idea behind this is that when we do something for someone else, the universe gives us back what we have given away - so if I buy my mum flowers on Mother's Day, then she'll get me an awesome present at Christmas! (This is one way to manifest anything into your life!)
5) Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations, on their own, will raise your frequency because they emit such high energy vibrations - this is why it's important to repeat them as often as possible in order for them to have an effect!
Here are some examples:
I am blessed with wealth, good health and happiness; I give thanks for all my blessings every day.
My life has always been perfect before me because it's created to be a reflection of the person that I want to become.
I have everything I need to live a beautiful and fulfilling life; thank you for all that is in my life.
The Universe has always been providing just what I need when I needed it.
6) Getting good sleep
Getting enough sleep is important and I think you'll find that when we are getting good quality sleep, our vibration also increases.
My advice for this one is to try and get at least eight hours of high-quality sleep per night; it might be difficult but the benefits will soon become clear!
7) Positive People
Surround yourself with positive people who support your goals and who want you to succeed, this will ultimately help raise your vibrational frequency.
Try and stay away from people who talk about negativity because it will create a negative vibration in your life.
8) Stop being a gossip!
Don't get me wrong, I love good gossip sometimes, but if you find yourself talking about people behind their backs or spreading rumours then this will be having a negative effect on your energy.
As a result, even if you say something negative to someone’s back the energy flows from them to you and is felt. You unconsciously give that person more negativity in return, and this cycle continues forever.
9) Vision Board
The benefits of a vision board are that it is a visual reminder of what you want in your life and also it can be used to manifest anything into reality.
Basically, the idea behind this one is to find images or pictures which represent all of the things you would like to see happen for yourself (on your vision board) and then put them up on a wall where they'll be in your sight all the time.
If you really want something, the more you think about it and imagine it as if it were already a part of your life, the higher your frequency. You'll start attracting opportunities that seem like coincidences but are actually stepping stones to bring you closer to where you want to be.
10) Get Outdoors
Getting outdoors is incredibly beneficial because it's an opportunity to feel connected with nature and also get some exercise.
A lot of people don't realise how much time they spend in front of a screen - which means that our bodies are not getting enough natural light; this one can have an instant effect on your mood, energy levels, sleep patterns etc.
I think you'll find that when we are spending time outside, it makes us happier and more alive.
11) Eat Healthy Foods
Eating healthy is a huge contributor to your energy levels because our bodies need good food for fuel!
Try to eat as many fresh foods as possible - this will help keep you on the right track.
It's important to know what types of foods are good for you and which ones aren't, so here is a list:
Leafy greens (spinach, kale) will help detoxify your body.
Citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits contain lots of vitamin C for immunity.
Apples have a good amount of vitamins and fibre.
Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin B and fibre.
12) Get a pet
Studies have shown that living with animals can lower your blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress levels and increase happiness too!
There's evidence to suggest that pets provide unconditional love which is something we all need more of these days.
13) Drink Plenty of Water
It might sound like common sense but people don't drink enough water - our bodies need it! We should be getting at least eight cups (eight ounces) of water per day.
This one is really important because when we are dehydrated, our body will try to preserve fluids by reducing the amount of blood that flows through our veins. This can lead to heart palpitations and a lack of energy too!
The benefits of drinking fresh water will be clear within just a few days.
The Law of Vibration Vs The Law of Attraction
These two laws of the universe work perfectly together. The Law of Vibration is the primary law because, in order to attract anything, you must match the vibrational frequency of it.
Once you understand The Law of Vibration, you realise that The Law of Attraction is built on it.
The Law of Vibration focuses on the idea that everything around us is vibrating, and this includes thoughts. This means that if you are sending out negative or low-frequency energy, then it will create a negative vibration in your life which leads to things manifesting into reality.
Therefore, The Law of Vibration urges people to focus on positive thoughts and feelings in order to attract better things into their life.
The Law of Attraction is about using your energy, or the power within yourself, as a way of manifesting what you want. This one doesn't require willpower or any effort at all; it's simply allowing your desires to naturally come true with time.
The Law of Attraction encourages people to focus on their goals and desires in order for them to manifest into reality.
You don't get what you want, but you attract what you are. Your thoughts and ideas determine your reality. When you think good things with a good attitude, the universe brings people and events into your life that match your vibration.
Consciousness is a vibration, and what we think of as reality is nothing more than an objective manifestation of that vibration.
Consciousness and vibrational frequency work together. If you're conscious of your thoughts, you can easily feel the vibe of those around you-- this allows you to selectively interact with people based on their level.
When you live in the present, you’ll be able to perceive the vibrations of people and things around you.
Abundance is not about having more than others, but being content with everything you have.
We often think that we need money in order to make it in the world or feel fulfilled as a person.
The Law of Vibration says otherwise and suggests that abundance is found within oneself. A person with abundance has a high level of self-love and understands that they are enough.
Vibrate higher to be more aware of opportunities that will allow you to manifest your desires. People with a high vibration subconsciously read the energy of other people, so feel free to channel your abundance from others as well.
Best Law of Vibration Books
I'm going to suggest some of my favourite Law of Vibration books below:
Becoming Supernatural - Joe Dispenza
Ask and it is Given - Esther and Jerry Hicks
Leveraging the Universe - Mike Dooley
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
The Map to Abundance by Bonni Lonnsburry
Thought Vibration by William Walker Atkinson
The Law of Vibration and the other laws of the universe are all incredibly powerful principles to understand, in order to attract into your life.
Thoughts feelings and emotion, combined with my 13 steps to raise your vibration is the secret to truly understand how The Law of Vibration works.
Always remember that like attracts like!
I hope you've found this article useful and that it helps to clarify the law of vibration a little bit more!
If not, then take some time out of your day to read through these points again because they are all important in helping us achieve our dreams.
Thanks for reading!