The Law of Attraction: Understanding Its Power
The law of attraction is what we call a universal spiritual truth. It's what brings about the things that you think about, the things you talk to others about and what you focus on.
You can't have what you want if it doesn't exist in your thoughts and words.
This article will go over some examples of how this works so that you understand its power better!
Simply stated, the Law of Attraction is the power to bring into our lives anything we concentrate on.
We are all affected by the laws that govern the universe, including the Law of Attraction, which utilizes the power of our thoughts to materialize what is in our minds into reality.
What Is The Law Of Attraction?
The law of attraction is what attracts people to what they want and what they don't want. It's the state of energy around us, whether or not we are aware that it exists.
It affects all things such as your relationships with others, how you feel about yourself, how successful you will be in life and so much more!
The law of attraction is a metaphysical notion that suggests that good thoughts produce positive effects in a person's life, whereas bad thoughts result in negative consequences.
It is based on the idea that thoughts are a kind of energy, and that positive energies attract success in all areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships.
Since what you think about, what you talk to others about and how you focus your energy all play a role in what the law of attraction brings into your life.
You can't have what you want if it doesn't exist in your thoughts and words! This is because like attracts like (energy tends to attract more of itself so what you think about, what you talk to others about and how you focus your energy all play a role in what the law of attraction brings into your life).
What Does The Law of Attraction Mean?
The Law of Attraction guides us to look for what isn't here so we can then find ways to bring about what we do want into being.
The physical world is only one small part of what's going on around us.
The universe is vast and what you see here on earth, whether it's your home or the city streets is only a fraction of what exists in this world.
Though what you see and hear is important, it's what lies beyond what your eyes can perceive that affects our everyday lives.
Therefore, the law of attraction guides us to look for what isn't here so we can then find ways to bring about what we do want into being.
When someone says "the Law of Attraction," what they're really talking about is the law of vibration.
Everything in existence has a particular frequency or wavelength at which it vibrates, and that includes thoughts as well!
For example, when you think positively towards others, your vibrations are positive. When you think negatively about yourself and other things in life, those negative frequencies will be what you're sending out.
With the law of attraction, what is going to be attracted into your life is what matches what you are putting out there – whether it's fear or love!
The History Of The Law Of Attraction
The law of attraction concept has been around for ages.
While what we now call the "law of attraction" wasn't always called that, it's a spiritual truth in all major religions and disciplines throughout history.
For example, Buddhism teaches us to live with good intention through karma (the idea that what you send out into the world is what you get back).
In addition, Christianity tells us that what we think about and what we focus on in life is of great importance.
We are all what we think, not what others say about us.
There's even a biblical verse in the book of John which tells us that "As he thinks within his heart, so is he." (23:15) This means what you speak and believe will eventually manifest into reality.
As the Bible says: "Whatever things are true… noble … just … pure … lovely … commendable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." (Philippians: Chapter Four, Verse Eight)
The law of attraction was also a topic in the book Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.
In addition to these examples of what was said about the law of attraction throughout history, there were also great philosophers like Plato who wrote on it as well!
The Law Of Attraction: How Does It Work?
This can be a hard concept to grasp especially if you've never heard about this before.
The best way to understand what the law of attraction is, what it does and how it works is by comparing your thoughts to a radio frequency.
If you were listening to an FM radio station in New York City, then you would be able to get that particular station clearly as long as you had an unobstructed path between the receiver in your radio and what was actually transmitting the signal to your eardrums.
If there were too many obstacles, then it would be harder for you to tune in to that station or if what was sending out a strong frequency (or wave) like from another radio transmitter interfered with what you wanted to hear, then chances are you wouldn't even get what you were trying to listen for.
So what does this have to do with the law of attraction?
It is scientifically proven that everything in this universe Is energy, vibrating at a certain frequency. This includes your physical body, your emotions, thoughts and desires.
Your thoughts are what is sending out vibrations into the universe and what you think about most will be what is easiest to attract back into your life because it's what matches that particular frequency.
For example, if you think often about having more money, what the law of attraction will do is bring more opportunities to you for making that happen.
On the other hand, if you think about how overweight you are or what a bad day it was at work today then what's going to end up in your life are things and people who match those vibrations! Of course, this isn't what you want, but what the law of attraction will bring you based on what is going on in your mind.
Positive thinking brings more positive things into our lives while negative thoughts attract negativity and again this is because what we think about most often (whether it's what we say out loud or not) matches that particular frequency out there whether it's what we want or not!
The Law Of Attraction: Using The Law
You create your own reality, according to the law of attraction. What you focus on is what you bring into your life. It implies that whatever you think will happen in your life comes true.
Here are a few examples of the things that I practice daily:
Visualization of goals/dreams.
Positive Affirmations.
Meditation to control negative thoughts.
Example manifestation:
Let's say you're thinking about what it would be like to own your dream car and what it would be like to drive on a long road trip.
You're focusing on what your life would look like if you owned that car, so those thoughts are what's going to bring the law of attraction into fruition!
Perhaps you imagine yourself at a dealership signing documents for its purchase or maybe even envision what it's going to look
Think about it this way.
The natural state of the universe is that nothing exists, yet because space can't be empty, something must occupy a given small region of space. If you want to bring something positive into your life, don't just wish for it—make room for it by eliminating negative energy and people from your life
Now, let's say you're thinking about what it would be like to own your dream car. You talk to others about owning this car and you spend a lot of time visualizing having it in your garage or driving down roads with ease.
The Universe has heard these thoughts and words because they have been sent out into the world around us! Now, here comes our good friend Law Of Attraction coming back at ya'.
Let's take another look at those things that came up: think, speak and visualize. These three aspects are what we call the Universal Mantra.
Every time you have thought about what it would be like to own that car, every time you speak with someone else and talk about owning this car, even if it's just for five minutes while waiting in line at Starbucks; or when you are staring out your window into the night sky visualizing what life will be like after buying your dream car: all of these things bring energy towards bringing more of what those thoughts brought up!
The Universe is listening because It's always connected to us whether we believe it or not.
If you want a specific result from your goal then make sure that every thought and word has only positive thoughts behind it because if any negative feelings are even slightly present around something: these things carry weight too!
Law of Attraction: 8 Powerful Manifestation Techniques
There are some exercises that can help you learn to put the law of attraction into practice in your own life.
Some ideas include:
1) Journaling
This is something that I can highly recommend starting with and it can assist you in better understanding your typical thought patterns and determining whether you lean toward optimism or pessimism.
2) Create a vision board
Make a visual reminder of your dreams and goals to keep you upbeat, motivated, and focused on your objectives.
3) Practice gratitude
Being grateful for what you have in your present life will help to manifest more of what it is that you desire. Making a daily gratitude list can enhance the effectiveness of your manifestations by raising your energy and consciousness levels.
4) Meditation
Meditation helps us clear our minds and focus on what we want out of life. This helps us practice visualisation, affirmations and gratitude without negative self-limiting beliefs holding us back.
5) Get clear on your goals
There are no restrictions on your objectives and goals. Get crystal clear on exactly what you are trying to achieve and reverse engineer your big goals into smaller goals first. This approach acts as a benchmark and often makes the process less overwhelming and easier to visualise.
6) Positive Affirmations
Start by taking what you want and what your goals are, then make a list of what those things look like/feel like in the present tense. Say these out loud and feel the emotion of each word.
7) Take Action
Any negative thoughts or feelings should be erased. There is no need to question anything. The universe has your back. Then, each day, make decisions that will bring you closer to your purpose and the realization of your ambitions.
8) Focus Wheel
The focus wheel is a straightforward yet powerful manifestation method for moving your attention away from negative thoughts and towards more desirable and empowering ones. It's simple to make one: start by drawing a tiny circle on a piece of paper or board and recording the objective or dream you wish to accomplish right now. Around the circle, jot down good ideas relating to what you want to accomplish, what it will be like when you do, how this change can benefit your life and those around you.
Keep In Mind
It's true that your beliefs and emotions have an influence on what happens in your life.
You can't attract better items into your life until you change your viewpoint, accept the truth about the universe and your connection to it, and practice the Law of Attraction.
Be Patient
There is no magic formula for how long it takes things to materialize in your life. Some people notice results right away, while others require a little more time. But the most important thing is patience and perseverance.
Continue to express your gratitude and appreciation on a daily basis. Consider the positive and remember all of the friendships you formed that indicate the Law of Attraction is true for you.
Take time every day to go over the 8 manifestation techniques that are listed above and be patient.
Great things come to those who wait.
The Law of Attraction, once you understand it, allows you to observe how your thoughts are influencing everything — including the vehicle of life in which you're travelling.
A positive attitude can go a long way toward improving your health, relationships, business, finances and the Law of Attraction can help you take it even further.
By understanding what the law of attraction can do for you, we can fully embrace its power and work to manifest what truly makes us happy in life.
It's about changing your perspective from scarcity to abundance, inviting in what you want, and linking your actions with your goals. You may become the author of your own destiny by learning how to do these things.
There's no doubt about it - using the law of attraction has changed my life and it can change yours.
I hope you enjoyed reading my article, feel free to drop any questions in the comment section below