The Best Law of Attraction Books - The Ultimate Guide for 2022
The Law of Attraction is a mystical philosophy that can help you manifest whatever it is that you are looking for in your life. It teaches us to focus on what we want, and not what we fear.
This powerful law has helped many people achieve their dreams and aspirations--and now, with the growing popularity of this concept, there are more books than ever about the power of our thoughts!
There are so many great books out there to choose from when trying to learn how to use the Law of Attraction effectively--but which ones should you purchase?
In today's blog post, I will be reviewing the best law-of-attraction books that I think everyone needs in their collection!
The Best Law Of Attraction Books
I had heard about the law of attraction years ago but didn't put any faith in it until financial need and the desire to start living my best life pushed me to desperation.
In this post, I'm not going to try and sell you anything - I'm simply sharing my favourite law of attraction books that have had a profound impact on my life and I truly believe will have an impact on yours.
I'm 30 years old, and I have been able to manifest and achieve my best life thanks to all of these wonderful books listed below.
Whether you're a new or experienced law of attraction practitioner, these are books that I can't recommend enough.
Simple and inspiring, they'll walk you through everything from manifesting to releasing.
Let's begin:
Becoming Supernatural - Joe Dispenza
One of the first books I discovered that helped me connect with myself, written by the neuroscientist Dr Joe Dispenza for anyone not familiar with Joe, he is an remarkable human being who has spent a substantial amount of time researching how the brain operates. This book will not only pay homage to his theories, but also help you understand your life in more depth, along with allowing you to activate parts of your brain we are unaware are available. The book outlines how we have supernatural abilities, along with the teachings of how to activate the tools needed to create a new reality. There is a fantastic blend of both scientific and physiological research, offering an insight into his research. A book that will truly blow your mind!
The Magic - Rhonda Byrne
The Magic by Rhonda Byrne: This is the book that started it all for me, the moment I realised that anything was possible to manifest and has been a favourite since I first picked it up.
It's written from the perspective of someone who had never heard about this law before and teaches you how to use your thoughts to create what you want in life--whether that's love, money or anything else you desire.
I found the book to be a great introduction for someone who has never heard about The Law of Attraction before, with clear explanations and practical exercises that are easy enough to do on your own.
The Magic shows you how to use your thoughts to create what you want in life--whether that's love, money or anything else you desire.
If you want to start living your dream life, look no further, this book is a must-read!
The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is another that I love and another essential book to have on your shelf, in order to manifest your best life.
This time she takes us through her personal story of how she found the power of this law, through her own life experiences and those around her.
She shares with us both universal secrets that can be applied to anyone's life, as well as more in-depth techniques like the tapping system or reframing.
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is also a great introduction for people who have never heard about The Law of Attraction, but is more advanced in its content than the Magic.
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now is a book that teaches how to live in the present moment, instead of getting stuck in the past or worrying about things that may happen.
It's one of my favourites because it really helps you understand how your thoughts are shaping your life--and does so without being too preachy or rigid with its advice.
This book will help you take control of your life and live in the present moment.
I truly believe this is a must-read!
A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
A New Earth is another one by Eckhart Tolle.
This book takes you through the journey of understanding how to live in a new way, and starts with an exploration on how our consciousness has been shaped by society--as well as what it means for us today.
It's not so much about manifesting or creating wealth like many other law-of-attraction books, but rather focuses on life living itself from moment to moment; transcending your ego self and connecting with your soul self.
Truly incredible!
The Power - Rhonda Byrne
This book by Rhonda Byrne was my introduction to the concept that our thoughts have power--and I've never looked back!
In this book she takes us through a series of exercises and practical tips on how to tap into our thoughts and harness their power.
I found that this book was best suited for someone who has already read The Law of Attraction books or knows a bit about the concept, but is looking to take it one step further in either tapping more deeply into why they are motivated by certain images, working through self-sabotage and other topics.
The Attractor Factor - Joe Vitale
The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale is a book that offers techniques and insights on how to change your thoughts so you attract what you want in life.
One of the things I loved most about this book was its practicality, with easy-to-follow steps for attracting anything, from health to money; there's something for everyone here!
If you're looking for one law of attraction book to buy then The Attractor Factor would be amongst my top recommendation.
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is one that not only explains how this law can work for you--and why it might sometimes seem like the Law doesn't exist when things don't go as planned--but also gives practical exercises on how to reprogram our thoughts about ourselves so we are more aligned with what we want from life.
This book will help you understand how your mind affects the law of attraction.
Get this on the list - It's another must-read of all the best law of attraction books available today!
As A Man Thinketh - James Allen
This is a book by James Allen that I found to be very in-depth, and takes you through the process of understanding how our thoughts shape what we experience.
He shares with us many different anecdotes from his own life as well as other famous figures--and also provides practical exercises on how to change your thought patterns so they are more aligned with what you want from life.
As A Man Thinketh will help you take control of your life, understand the law of attraction and help you create your best life.
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)
In The Four Agreements shamanic teacher and healer Don Michael Ruiz exposes self-limiting beliefs and presents a simple, yet effective code of personal conduct learned from his Toltec ancestors.
This handsomely-designed book makes a lovely gift for anyone making an elementary change in life, and reads in a voice like one would expect from an indigenous shaman.
You can buy The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) here.
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway - Susan Jeffers, Ph.D
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway is a book by Susan Jeffers.
Dynamic and inspirational and filled with concrete techniques to turn passivity into assertiveness.
Dr. Susan Jeffers, a best-selling author and educator, teaches readers how to stop negative thinking patterns and reeducate their minds so they can think more positively.
This article covers the best law of attraction books and reviews the vital 10-step process for positive thinking.
The Secret Of The Ages - Robert Collier
In the Secret of the Ages, Robert Collier shares with us the secrets of success.
This is a must for any aspiring success seeker. This book will teach you how your thoughts and decisions influence your happiness and success.
Infinite Possibilities - Mike Dooley
Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams by Mike Dooley remains one of my favourites.
The writing is easy to read and always full of a positive sentiment. It moves seamlessly from topic to topic without any feelings of disconnection.
Above all else, this is a book written in the most human language. It’s personable and approachable. You can feel like you are listening to stories that your friend is sharing with you over a pot of tea.
The basis of this book is that thoughts become things. The life of your dreams is not just an intangible thing - its tangible and achievable. And there's plenty to go around for all as these aren't new ideas.
Master Key System - Charles F Haanel
The Master Key is here given to the world as a means of tapping the great Cosmic Intelligence and attracting from it that which corresponds to the ambitions, and aspirations of each reader.
The Master-Key by Charles Haanel has been published as a correspondence course of 24 lessons, delivered to students one per week for 24 weeks.
The reader, who now receives the whole book in one time, is warned not to attempt to read it like a novel, but instead with course of study and conscientiously imbibe the meaning of each part - reading and re-reading one per week before proceeding to the next.
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L Hay
You Can Heal Your Life is a book by Louise L.
Louise’s key message in this powerful work is: “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.”
Louise Hay believes that illness can often be caused by limiting beliefs and ideas, and her book explains how you can change your thinking to improve the quality of your life.
Tip: You could also mention that this is a good read for anyone struggling with mental or emotional issues, as they are hard to let go without help.
Think And Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill has been a favourite since I first read it many years ago and this falls firmly into the best law of attraction books to read!
It takes you through the process of understanding your thoughts and how they shape your world--and what it means for us today, with very clear examples from Hill's own life experience that he shares in detail.
This book will help you take control of your life and live in the present moment.
Thought Vibration - William Walter Atkinson
The Thought Vibration is a book that explains how the law of attraction works and why it sometimes doesn't seem like it's working.
It also has practical exercises in order to help you reprogram your thoughts about yourself--so that you are more aligned with what you want from life.
For example, one exercise helps us explore our limiting beliefs and think about them differently so we can create new ones. This book will help you take control of your life and live in the present moment too! You can buy The Thought Vibration here.
This book, once understood really can help you create your dream life.
How To Win Friends And Influence People - Dale Carnegie
This is another fine example of the best law of attraction books that exist today.
It's about how to be more charismatic and persuasive. It has been around for decades and still holds true as one of the best books on social skills--and it's also good for law-of-attraction enthusiasts who want to really learn how they can influence others with their thoughts, words, or actions.
The idea behind this book is that if you are able to change other people's mindsets towards themselves then you will have an easier time in life because the same people will help your dreams come true.
This book is all about being positive so what seems like a difficult situation might not seem so bad after all! You can buy How To Win Friends And Influence People here.
Ask And It Is Given - Esther & Jerry Hicks
"Ask and It Is Given" is a well-known book on the law of attraction.
Esther and Jerry Hicks talk about how to manifest what you want in life--from relationships, to work opportunities, or even just good health!
“Whether it is a material object, a physical state of being, a relationship, a condition, or a circumstance – at the heart of every desire is the desire to feel good.”
If you want the Law of Attraction to work in your favour, your well-being is vital. The most important thing to do is find ways to feel good now, so that you are ready for all of the amazing opportunities and manifestations that will inevitably come your way.
In this book, the author provides 22 proven processes that will improve your point of attraction. The success or failure of these experiments rely on whether you are willing to put in the time and effort necessary to follow along with each process.
What the Bleep Do We Know?
This is a book that I found to be very interesting and high quality, but definitely not for everyone! It's based on quantum physics, which you may or may not find appealing - as well as being aimed at people who are more scientifically minded than others.
It will help you understand how your thoughts shape your life--and does so without being too preachy or rigid with its advice. This book will help you take control of your life and live in the present moment.
The Science Of Getting Rich - Walace D Wattles
I really love this book because it teaches us about prosperity consciousness instead of lack consciousness--and I think that's really important.
This is by far one of the best law of attraction books to acquire in your life!
In this book you'll learn about the true laws of wealth, and how to tap into your natural ability to manifest prosperity in every area of life-from love, health and happiness all the way through money. It teaches us how to use our thoughts more purposefully for a better quality of life!
The Vortex - Esther and Abraham Hicks
Here's One I Really Like: The Vortex by Esther and Abraham Hicks.
The Vortex is a very cool book that helps you to understand how the law of attraction works, from an inside-out perspective--and it teaches us about quantum physics too!
The vortex is Abraham’s term for alignment with Source energy, or the perfect mate of your desires.
This book focuses on relationships. It covers not only love and romantic involvements but also other relationships such as a child's relationship with their mother or father.