About Matt

In February 2019, documented across my social media channels, I connected with my mother for the first time, following her passing in July 2017.

This was completely unexpected and triggered the start of the most extraordinary spiritual awakening and realisation:

There is more to life than we know.

It’s safe to say, that this experience was my ‘wake-up call’ - I needed to learn how it happened, and more importantly, understand how I could use that experience to connect with her again.

This shifted my understanding of reality and set my curiosity to learn more about the world beyond our comprehension.

My appetite for another mystical experience to show up in my life continued. After a few months of deep research, I started to learn about the laws that govern our universe, specifically The Law of Vibration and The Law of Attraction.

Fast forward to today and I’m not a medium - I’m a manifestation coach with a strong passion for teaching people how they can use the power of their minds to manifest their best life.

Now, here’s the thing - I don’t operate by the conventional coaching playbook. Vision boards, and loud affirmations - that's not my style. Instead, I blend age-old spiritual wisdom with contemporary scientific insights.

To me, the universe isn’t just metaphysical; it’s deeply personal. Our outer world, in many ways, is a reflection of our inner selves.

I've worked with people from all around the world, all looking to attract different things. I’ve helped people manifest their dream business, better health, financial abundance, love and the perfect relationship.

My results, speak for themselves…

I’m not your typical Manifestation Coach

You attract what you are, not what you want.

To attract anything into your life, you have to become that future reality now.

I teach the mechanics of manifestation, backed up by scientific research and real-life examples.

Your personality is a reflection of your personal reality, so I teach my clients how to reprogram their subconscious minds in order to create a new state of being.

The key to mastering attraction is simple:

Everything is energy, vibrating at a certain frequency. In order to attract, you must align yourself to the vibrational frequency of your desire. In other words, if you want to manifest love externally, you need to start internally and begin to love yourself first.

Manifestation is an inside job, so that’s where we start.

My Clients get results.

Why I do this:

Way back in 2019 I hopped on a plane to Toronto to attend a live event called “Pinpoint Your Purpose”...

As the name of the event suggests, the objective was to try and figure out my purpose in life and how I can best impact the world:

My name is Matt and my purpose in life is to help and support others in their pursuit to secure their best life, so they are filled with hope, believing they have the courage to persist to achieve it.

Are you ready to start creating your best life?

Book in a discovery call with me today.

Your coach,