5 Easy Steps to Manifest Money - Secrets Revealed!
9 Easy Steps to Manifest Money - Secrets Revealed!
How to manifest money? - I get asked this question all the time, so I've put this article together to help!
Do you want to become someone who can effortlessly attract money?
Financial stress is hard, I've been there.
I was always someone who had a love-hate relationship with money.
Whenever money came into my life, it went just as quickly.
If you're reading this post, chances are that money is something on your mind right now too - or should be!
The good news is, manifesting money is a skill that anyone can learn and I'm going to show you how!
In this article, I'm going to give you the how-to of how to manifest money and change your life.
I want you to be able to write your own success story, and start living a life that is bigger than what you have now.
In this post you will learn:
How manifestation works.
Understanding the law of vibration.
How to manifest money in 5 easy steps.
Powerful money affirmations that work!
Matt’s recommendations.
I’ve tried it before! Why can’t I manifest money?
I've seen how manifesting money can change people's lives - it has helped me so much!
No matter how big or small the goal is, it is a skill that anyone can learn. Limiting beliefs is often something that holds most people back.
Here’s the thing.
For this to work, you must truly believe in your heart that you will achieve abundance.
You have to walk the talk, and take inspired action towards it.
You must become the person you want to be, and believe that you are capable of accomplishing it.
Once you’ve aligned yourself to your intention, money will begin to flow to you.
Are you ready to learn how to manifest money like a magnet?
Let's jump in!
In order to manifest money, you must first understand the mechanics of manifestation.
Manifestation is the process of visualising a future intention and feeling the emotions of that desire in the present moment.
The hack to aligning yourself to a desire is to step into the personality of the future and embody the emotions before the manifestation has actually come to fruition. How you think and feel creates a state of being, your state of being is called your personality and your personality creates your external personal reality.
To attract money then, you need to become an abundant personality first.
The Universe will then respond accordingly by giving you more of what you currently are; this includes money/abundance.
Understanding The Law Of Vibration To Attract Money
The Law of Vibration is the primary law that governs our universe and it dictates that everything is energy, vibrating at a specific frequency.
Everything that exists in this physical world has its own unique frequency, like how a radio station broadcasts at specific frequencies for listeners to tune into. This also means that the human body, thoughts, feelings, material possessions and even money, are just forms of energy, vibrating at specific frequencies.
So in order to align ourselves to abundance, we need to match the energy and frequency of it.
In other words, it's not enough just wanting something - you have to become the person of the future, by believing and acting like you already embody the emotions of an outcome, before it’s manifested. By doing this, you alter your vibrational frequency to match the vibration of your desire.
How To Manifest Money In Five Easy Steps:
In order to manifest money fast, there are 5 steps that I recommend taking:
Set Your Intention.
Set a clear intention for the exact amount of money that you are looking to attract.
How long is this process going to take?
Be as clear as possible - For example; By 1st January 2023, I will be earning $10,000 per month from my online business.
You need a specific amount of how much you want it to be and visualise how wonderful life will be when you have that amount!
You must stay committed or else nothing will ever change because everything we experience in our lives always happens due to the energy within us.
If we don't believe, then how can anything occur or change!
2. Elevated Emotions
Emotions are energy-in-motion.
Try to feel the emotion, and feeling of having more money in your life.
Write down, all the emotions that would be present; for example:
Once you are clear on your emotions, your goal is to embody the emotions of your manifestation, before money actually appears in your life.
Make an effort to become consciously aware of any emotions that may surface that are out of alignment with your desire.
Pro tip:
Think about how you can find these elevated emotions in your existing life. For example, can you find peace whilst taking a walk along the beach? Do you feel excited when you take your spouse out to the cinema?
Your goal is to visualise your manifestation, whilst simultaneously embodying the emotions of your desire.
Doing this keeps you in perfect alignment.
Now let go, surrender and allow abundance to manifest in divine time.
3. Meditation
Meditation is the bedrock of manifestation!
In my opinion, meditation plays a fundamental role in manifesting successfully.
Meditation gives us the ability to become consciously aware of our negative thoughts and allows us to liberate energy in order to visualise a clear intention for the future.
If we can’t get beyond our self-limiting thoughts and emotions, how can we possibly attract a new personality reality?
In the example of money, meditation creates the space for you to visualise the personality of abundance and practice being in possession of the corresponding elevated emotions, in the present moment.
How do I meditate?
There is no right or wrong way to meditate, although I personally prefer first thing in the morning.
Find a quiet place without any distractions and make this your meditation place.
Stay calm and relaxed.
It’s completely normal for thoughts to enter your mind. Instead of completely blocking them, simply acknowledge them and then wave the thoughts goodbye.
Start with 5 minutes and set yourself a timer and gradually increase the time each day you meditate.
Your goal is to calm down the analytical mind, so you can get beyond self-limiting thoughts.
Eventually, with enough practice, you will find the present moment.
The present moment is when you get beyond the known and the predictable and become nobody, in no space and time. Just pure awareness.
Once you become present, your job is to visualise your desire and feel the elevated emotions. By doing this, you will start to broadcast out a new electromagnet frequency into the Quantum Field, drawing your desire into your life.
Pro tip:
After meditation, practice the tips listed below and embody the personality of your desire throughout the remainder of your day.
4. Positive Affirmations.
For me, using positive affirmations has worked wonders!
Quite simply, an affirmation is the repetition of powerful, descriptive words that reprogramme our subconscious mind into believing that we are in possession of our desire, before it manifests into fruition.
I recommend doing affirmations for at least 15 minutes a day and make sure you do not stop no matter how bored or frustrated you get!
The more we repeat positive affirmations about ourselves, the more they start feeling true!
This increases feelings of confidence because we are constantly telling ourselves these messages through thoughts or actions which reinforces them more every time they are repeated.
Here are my top money affirmations:
Anything I desire, I will receive, because my reality is created by me.
Money comes my way easily and effortlessly .
I am a money magnet and money flows to me effortlessly.
Money loves me, and I love money.
I am grounded with money.
I am grateful money is easy to come by.
I am worth of making more money.
I choose to live a rich and full life.
I attract money so easily.
The more I give, the more I receive. The more I receive, the more I give.
5. Gratitude
“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” - Tony Robbins
Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership.
You can elevate your tendency to experience gratitude by asking yourself the following questions:
Are there things in your life that you can be grateful for right now?
Are you grateful for the money that you do have in order to pay your bills?
If you made a list of the things you are grateful for, would your list be long or short?
Do you frequently experience moments where you appreciate someone or something?
Develop gratitude for what you already have and imagine yourself as successful now with all these desires fulfilled. The key is to
believe wholeheartedly that everything is possible; nothing can stop you from getting what you want.
How to practice Gratitude
Developing a sense of gratitude does not need to be a difficult task. In fact, the more you make this a part of your daily routine, the more the ritual will become effortless and enjoyable.
Here are a few tips to get started:
Purchase a beautiful journal and pen, so you feel excited to start your practice.
Practice gratitude in the morning ( I personally do this straight after meditation).
Savor the moment: Give yourself time to really enjoy the moment. Focus on the experience and allow yourself to think about what you are grateful for today.
Make a list of 10 things you are grateful for and write them down in your journal.
Repeat daily.
Matt’s recommendation:
I can highly recommend starting with the 6-Minute Diary.
This simple, yet science-based gratitude journal helped me strive towards a happier and more fulfilled life back in 2020. If you want to feel good, you need to be in charge of your thought patterns. This is exactly what this mindfulness journal trains with you in doable portions of 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes in the evening
You can purchase the diary on Amazon here.
To manifest money into your life, it starts with changing your habits and how you show up in life.
My 5-step formula as massively changed my life and following it can change yours.
You need to reprogram your belief system and stay committed to the process.
It’s not a quick-fix thing that you do once and then you go back to your old habits and thought patterns.
It’s about your daily habits and holding yourself accountable.
When you make these habits part of your daily routine, even without any effort on your part, money is sure to start coming from all directions.
I hope you enjoyed reading my article and feel inspired to take action towards creating your best life!
P.S - If you are looking for one-to-one assistance with your manifesting, I am a manifestation coach and work with clients from all over the world. I build a tailored coaching structure, specifically around what you are seeking to desire. If you are interested to learn more about how my coaching may be able to help you, please feel free to book a discovery call with me by clicking here.